I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine
My hubby turns 50 today! The past year has been so awesome! He has seen his granddaughter turned two, a grandson was born, and we found out another grandchild is on the way. Don’t get me wrong, we had some downs too, like losing our beloved Annie. However, through it all, we have made one thing constant. We stuck together.
On his card, I wrote one simple message SHMILY. I wish I could take credit for it. However, the idea actually came from our first year of marriage while we were reading a devotion by Dr. James Dobson. He and his wife always play this game. They hide SHMILY on little things around the house. SHMILY stands for see how much I love you! Since reading that Todd and I have also played the same game.
You never know where SHMILY might end up, or when it might show up. Sometimes it is a simple text message just to make the other person smile. Sometimes it’s written on a card. Sometimes it even makes its way onto the bathroom mirror. Where or whenever it shows up, it always means the same thing. I’m thinking about you. I love you and I want you to know just how much I love you.
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