Psalms 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
This time of year can be quite difficult for those who have lost someone. Every ornament you unpack, every Christmas song you hear, every smell or taste can bring back memories. Some good. Some not so good. But they all seem to hurt.
It has been many Christmases without my brother. I would love to tell you the pain has gone away. However, just when I think I have moved on and the pain is all gone something triggers a memory.
Yes, I cry and miss him dearly. But I must say I wouldn’t wish any of those memories away. As long as I have those memories, he will never be far from me.
Today, I would love to count the blessings you shared with your loved ones. Sometimes that is the best way to get yourself out of a funk. Remind yourself of what you had and still have.
So, here is my favorite Christmas memory with my brother…
It was Christmas morning and we were all excited, just like every other child in the world. The tree was packed with presents. My mom had gotten smart and not put our names on any of them. Instead, she had wrapped our presents in specific paper. Only she knew which one was which.
I remember my dad handing both of us a similar sized package. We were instructed to open them at the same time.
We dove in to see who could open the fastest. My brother probably won, but I will never admit that…lol!
Our eyes were HUGE! We both got radio controlled vehicles. His was a semi-truck and mine a sporty little red car. We couldn’t get them out of the packages fast enough and into the kitchen to try them out.
My mom’s kitchen was really cool. It had an island in the middle where the stove was. So, we had the perfect race track to try our cars out. I just knew I would win! Being the little sister it was of great importance that I did!
We set the rules. Three times around the track and the first one to get back to the tree was the winner.
He pulled ahead because he was so much better at controlling his truck. I seemed to be playing bumper cars with the wall. The next round found me more adept and I started to pull ahead.
Then something strange happened as we made our third round. Both vehicles began to slow down. We pushed the buttons as hard as we could but there was no making them go faster. The batteries were simply giving out. Neither of us made it back to the tree.
Our heads hung low with disappointment. We thought for sure our brand new toys were broken. But then my father let out a laugh that made his belly rival Santa’s. He looked at my mom and she too had a twinkle in her eye. It seems the night before they felt the need to check out our cars “just to make sure they worked.” With all their quality control, they had run down the batteries.
My brother and I never let them forget that Christmas.
Through the years, as I wrapped my kids’ gifts and even now as I prepare to wrap my grandchildren’s toys, I remember the story of the year the elves played with our toys. I can feel my brother’s arm around me and hear his laughter once more. My eyes begin to fill, but the tears are filled with more joy than sorrow and a smile breaks across my face.
Hang on to the memories. Cry when you need to but try to find a smile. It is in those memories you will find comfort that your loved one isn’t gone for good.
I do want to send out a special hug to all of those who are celebrating the first Christmas without a loved one. I want you to know I am thinking of you and sending you lots of love. Nothing I can type or say will make the feelings go away. So, I will just simply leave you with this thought.
Smile Upon Your Face
By Tabetha Frick
Take a moment to breathe
Take a moment to grieve
Then wipe those tears
Remember the years
That I brought a smile to your face
The good and bad
The times we had
Though not enough
I know its rough
But let them bring a smile to your face
I hope my dear
This brings you cheer
For I am now at rest
But was always blessed
By the smile upon your face
Thanks for the memories Kenny! I love you!

Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.
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