Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy.
Last year, the Chicago Cubs found themselves with a lot more fans. It is amazing how people started crawling out of the nowhere. I mean people that didn’t know their infield from their outfield where all of a sudden Chicago Cubs experts.
It is easy to be a fan when your team is on top. It takes a true fan to stick with them the other 108 years!
Unfortunately, so many people see Christianity the same way. God is awesome when things are going your way. When you can stand on that mountain and shout the joys and praises to him all is good, but what about those dark days? Those days when it feels like this:
Darkness surrounds
Deep down inside
Those words are harsh
They cut like a knife
No longer in control
Deep down inside
Why don’t they stop
Can’t they see the pain
It’s so dark
Deep down inside
The tears are streaming
The anger is raging
Why is it so dark
Deep down inside
I hear my voice
I try to scream
I am here in the dark
Deep down inside
Too late now
The damage is done
I must wait in the dark
Deep down inside
The light will come
It always does
But for now, I wait
Deep down inside
Can you praise God for hearing your cry even when he hasn’t rescued you from it? Can you thank him before the answer comes? Can you praise him when the answer is no?
Christian’s don’t live a life of rainbows and unicorns. Dark days come and dark days go. Continuing to praise the Lord through it all is what makes you a true fan.
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