Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Thank goodness God answers ADHD prayers!
I know how important a prayer life is, but I also understand how cluttered life can be. I don’t think I am the only one who has ever sat down and set your alarm for early in the morning so you can get up and pray. Or maybe it is the opposite and you try to put your prayer time before bed. You are doing so good and then all of a sudden it is “Squirrel!” Every thought you can possibly think of all comes flooding into your mind at once.
Please tell me I am not alone here?!?!
So many people read the first part of Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. But I kind of like the last part, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. To me, that means God can keep up with me. Even when I have what my friend likes to call the zoomies.
The zoomies are what her dog does when he races all over the place bouncing off furniture and the wall and pretty much anything else he comes in contact with. It reminds me of my mind some days. I get the zoomies! My mind bounces off everything I come in contact with.
It is nice to know in those moments God is keeping up with me. He knows my needs long before I do. He knows my heart. He knows I so badly want to concentrate on him, his word and prayer time. He knows me!
Now you can stand here and spout off about 20 verses about having a steadfast mind and being diligent. I am here to tell you those verses are in there to remind of what I am striving for. If I could do it all of the time, I wouldn’t need God to direct me there!
I am also going to tell you God made me, zoomies and all. So, I am not going to get discouraged because I know God can keep up with me even when I can’t keep up with myself!
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