Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
But I don’t wanna do that!
How many times have you heard someone say something similar? If you have kids, I can guarantee you have heard it at least ten times today. As a teacher, I can tell you I can multiply that number by thirty and some days even more.
How many times have you caught yourself saying or thinking I don’t want to do that? Hmmm…yeah for me probably ten times a day again might just be accurate.
I really hate it when I get stuck in one of those moods where I start thinking negatively about everything. I mean I get pretty darn close to a full on temper tantrum. Reality check, some days it isn’t close. Some days I go straight to the temper tantrum.
Recently I was having one of those days when I stumbled upon Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
Talk about OUCH!
Once the burn started to subside, I realized there were lots of things in life I didn’t necessarily want to do. There are times when doing said things are very inconvenient. Sorry, I will never enjoy doing laundry, dishes or cleaning a bathroom. Some days I really want to stay in my pj’s and not go to work. Somedays I just don’t want to adult anymore!
It is in those times, I have to remember it isn’t all about me. Someone has to get these things done. I really enjoy pleasing the Lord. So, when I get my focus off of me and onto him, it does make the task doable.
I won’t lie. They still are not things that make me happy. However, I can concentrate on trying to make God smile.
Besides, I am definitely happy when they are done!
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