What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways.
We met at a shelter.
When he escaped the man who was trying to put him back in his cage and came and sat in front of me, I knew we had a destiny. I heard several different variations of his back story. None of them were very nice. All of them ended with him being at the shelter nearly starved to death at only 4 months old. He was now 7 months old, very sweet, but he was very timid and didn’t trust people. As a matter of fact, everyone was just as shocked as I that he came up and just sat in front of me the way he did.
The nice young man came and got him, apologizing to me. He gently pushed the puppy into his cage and shut the door. I walked past and then back again. It was like watching one of those paintings that seem to follow you everywhere. He would not take his big brown eyes off of me.
My husband thought I was joking and tried walking by to see if he would look at him instead. All the little pup did was turn his head to try and view around my husband to get another look at me. I was his world and the exact person he had been waiting for.
We got him back out and played with him for a while. We even took him out to romp in the yard. He took me to all his favorite spots, stopping every few steps to make sure I was following him. He brought me various toys and responded with sits and waiting patiently as I looked over each gift.
I left him at the shelter that day because we had several other dogs to look at but I have to say I felt just like him. With every dog we went to see, I would look around them to see the vision I still had of that cute little boy etched in my mind.
I spent the next morning going over the three dogs we had narrowed it down to. I explained each one to my mom as we went for our daily walk. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I really wasn’t giving her much detail about the other two. As a matter of fact, I would make a comment about them and then say something to compare them to that cute little boy.
I remember my mom looking at me when I was done and saying, “I think you made up your mind and will be heading back to the shelter when we are done here.” Did I ever tell you my mom is a very wise woman?
I took the paperwork and called my husband on the way to the shelter to let him know I was going to pick the puppy up. When I got there everything fell into place like God himself had already laid out every step and was shining his light on the path.
What normally takes a couple of days to get approved, took me a couple of hours. When they brought him out he sat across the room and smiled at me and wagged his tail in delight but he would not come to me at first. I called him by his name they had given him but he stayed put.
Once again the Holy Spirit intervened with a loving but well-placed thump to my head. He lovingly reminded me how we always said if we ever got a boy dog we would name him Meshach. So, I looked into his big brown eyes across the waiting room and smiled and said, “Hi, Meshach!” He broke free from his handler and ran top speed right into my arms.
So about now I am guessing you are wondering about the seizures. Well, if you remember I had been walking with my mom that morning and we had put in six miles. I had not eaten much for breakfast and it was now nearly one in the afternoon. Needless to say, my sugar levels were dropping.
I was sitting on the floor in a little room with Meshach while they finalized the paperwork. He was entertaining himself by watching the kittens through the glass. He stopped all of a sudden and walked over to me and put his paws on my shoulders and went nose to nose with me. I started to shake all over and he just sat on top of me and started licking my face. Once again God had equipped a dog with the power to know when my seizures were coming and how to best handle me.
What I didn’t know was God had equipped him with so much more!
Come back tomorrow to read more of our story!
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.