
Psalms 29:11 (NIV)
The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.

I really just need to type today. My brain feels so full and yet I have nothing to say. Have you ever felt that way? A million words swarming in your head but none of them seem to go together. I almost want to just start pulling them out of my ear and throwing them in the air. See if I can make a sentence. At best I think I could come up with a fragment. Certainly not a complex sentence. String a few together and I might get an incoherent paragraph.

If I tried to draw a picture right now it would look a lot like The Scream by Munch but not so dark and desperate. Maybe it would look a lot more like The Starry Night by van Gogh. It would definitely be impressionistic with lots of color and swirls. Flowers, butterflies, and clouds would dot the canvas. Free spirits all of them in their own right.

These are the moments when I feel like the poster child for ADHD.com.  You know that moment when you feel so overwhelmed and you try to focus but then…SQUIRREL!  Only in my house instead of “Squirrel”, we say “Oh, shiny thing!”

I have a good friend who told me this is when she just wants to shut down and do nothing because she feels she can’t accomplish anything. Grab that remote jump on the couch and Netflix binge time here I come! Don’t judge, you know you have all been there just insert your own binge (food, shopping, Facebook, Pinterest, reading…).

Sometimes we may actually need that unwind time.  That pause from life, if you will.  However, we can’t let that pause turn into a STOP!  It is in those moments we cling to promises from God like today’s verse from Psalms 29.  “The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord Blesses his people with peace.”

God, I need your strength to push on and your peace to help me focus through.  You know there are lots of squirrels and shiny objects out there, but I have life to attend to. I thank you for your promises of walking beside me and even carrying me when I need it. Most of all I thank you for that peace above our own understanding (Philippians 4:7) that will help quiet my mind and let me move on with my day.
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